The current Passmark under the Skilled Migration Visa Points Tests are as follows:

Passmark 120: Skilled Independent Visa
Passmark 110: Skilled Australian Sponsored Visa
Passmark 70: Skilled Independent State Territory Nominated Visa
Passmark 0: Skilled Designated Area Sponsored Visa (no Points test applies to this visa)

Age Points
If you are aged 18 to 29 years: 30 points
If you are aged 30 to 34 years: 25 points
If you are aged 35 to 39 years: 20 points
If you are aged 40 to 44 years: 15 points

Language Skill Points
If you have Vocational English: 15 points
If you have Competent English: 20 points

Employment Experience Points
To claim points for employment experience you must have been employed in your occupation or another skilled occupation for 36 of the 48 months before the visa application is made.

If you have a 60 Point Occupation: 10 Points
If you have a 40 or 50 Points Occupation: 5 Points

Spouse Skill Points
An extra 5 points may be scored if your spouse meets all of the above basic requirements (age, language, occupation).

Australian Education Qualification Points
You can score an extra 10 points for completing an Australian qualification (Honours or Masters) awarded from an Australian educational institution, studying for at least 24 months full-time while present in Australia.

Or you can score an extra 15 points for an Australian PhD, with similarly a minimum of two consecutive years of full time study while physically present in Australia.

Occupation in Demand Points
If your occupation is on the Occupations in Demand list you may score an extra 10 points.

If you nominate an Occupation in Demand and you provide evidence of an offer of employment in Australia then you will score a further 5 points.

Bonus Points
You may score an extra 5 points for Australian employment experience, investment capital, or speaking a foreign language (conditions apply).

Sponsorship Points
You may receive an extra 15 points for being sponsored by an Australian permanent resident or citizen who is one of the following:

  • Parent.
  • Child or adoptive child or a step-child.
  • Brother or sister, an adoptive brother or sister or a step-brother or step-sister.
  • Aunty or Uncle, including adoptive or step relations.

Please contact our office for further detailed information on this Australian visa including the fees & costs, timing supporting documents & application forms & other requirements to make a valid Australian visa application under the Skilled Migration program.